Thursday, September 4, 2008

Blogging is hard.

Actually no, it isn't. But that isn't the reason I haven't been updating this blog lately! The reason is I've been blogging (and micro-blogging) on other sites such as Destructoid and Tumblr. And it just so happens that every once in a while, I write something really neat, so you should go and check out those pages. It'd be swell if you did.

But anyway, as strange as it may seem, I've actually become more busy since becoming unemployed. This is mostly due to my increasingly hopeless job search and the miserable and depressing state of New York's job market. The film business specifically is frustratingly polarized: Employers typically aren't looking to give you a decent, well-paying job unless you have 5+ years experience in the field. So basically, if you're a recent college graduate (like me), you're pretty much shit out of luck.

Unless you want to work as an intern. Oh boy, I'll tell ya.. It's a grand time to be alive in New York if you've somehow evolved beyond archaic concepts such as capitalism and the need for human currency. Just take a brief look on craigslist's film & TV directory and you'll see how generous people are with offering you jobs that you won't get paid for. I'm not saying you won't gain anything from doing free gigs, but the problem for me is that I'm already working with two production companies for free. I keep hoping that doing this will snag me some worthwhile business contacts or clients, but all I've gotten is a stray shooting gig here and there.

One thing that is positive about this situation is that I will potentially have time to work on some of my own projects, most notably getting to use that wonderful LittleSoundDJ cart I bought for myself a couple months back and making some kickin' jams on the trusty 'ol Game Boy. See also: Website update. See also: Drupal integration. Even unemployment has its virtues, I suppose.

=Zen out

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